Data Preparation


Following the 7.8 Mw Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015, the Kathmandu Living Labs in collaboration with the National Planning Commission (the Government of Nepal), carried out the largest household survey ever done in Nepal using mobile technology. Although the primary objective of this survey was to assess damages inflicted by the quake and identify beneficiaries eligible for government’s housing reconstruction grants, the data contain many other kinds of valuable socio-economic information, including the types of fuel used by households for cooking and lighting from 11 of the most earthquake-affected districts of Nepal, excluding the Kathmandu valley.

The data for all 11 districts were downloaded from the 2015 Nepal Earthquake: Open Data Portal ( For this study, we use the following two data files:

  1. csv_household_demographics.csv; this file contains information on household size, ethnicity, household income, and gender, education and age of household head, and
  2. csv_household_resources.csv; this file contains data on the type of fuel used by households for cooking and lighting, source of drinking water, and the ownership of electronic appliances and motor vehicles.

Data Preparation

We restrict our analysis to four key socio-economic and demographic information of the households (ethnicity, income, education, and location) and their post-earthquake sources of cooking fuel.

Ethnicity: The dataset includes the types of cooking fuel used by 96 different social groups found in the area. Since the relative population sizes of many of these groups are small, we regroup them together to form a larger group with comparable population size; we also merge some of them with the larger major groups to which they are closer culturally or linguistically. With this regrouping, we obtain 10 major ethnic groups:

  • Brahman,
  • Chepang-Thami,
  • Chhettri,
  • Dalit,
  • Gurung-Magar,
  • Madheshi,
  • Newar,
  • Rai-Limbu,
  • Tamang, and
  • Muslim-Others.

Education Level: The education level of the household heads range from illiterate to Doctoral degree. We regroup the education attainment into 5 levels:

  • Illiterate;
  • Non-formal and Others;
  • grade 1-7 as Primary;
  • grade 8-12 as Secondary; and
  • Bachelors, Masters, and PhDs as University level education.

Geo-climatic Region: Similarly, the data provide information on municipality (and ward-level) location which allows us to divide the entire earthquake-affected 11 contiguous districts into two geo-climatic regions:

  • Himalayan and
  • Hilly.

Income Group: As for income levels (Rs. 110 = USD 1, approx.), we follow the original dataset’s categorization that breaks the monthly income of the households into 5 levels:

  • Rs. 10,000 or less;
  • Rs. 10,000 to 20,000;
  • Rs. 20,000 to 30,000;
  • Rs. 30,000 to 50,000; and
  • more than Rs. 50,000.

Define Libraries


Define Path

dir.wrk <- getwd() <- file.path(dir.wrk, "data/data_household")
dir.annot <- file.path(dir.wrk, "data/data_annotations")
dir.output <- file.path(dir.wrk, "data/data_processed")

Define Files

file.household_demo <- file.path(, "csv_household_demographics.csv.gz")
file.household_res <- file.path(, "csv_household_resources.csv.gz")
file.map_loc <- file.path(, "ward_vdcmun_district_name_mapping.csv.gz")
file.eth_grp <- file.path(dir.annot, "group_ethnicity.tsv")
file.edu_grp <- file.path(dir.annot, "group_education.tsv")
file.geo_grp <- file.path(dir.annot, "group_georegion.tsv")

Load Location Lookup Tables <- read.csv(file.map_loc, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) <-[!duplicated(, ]$ward_num <- unlist(lapply(str_split($ward_id, ""), function(x) as.numeric(paste(x[length(x) - 
    1], x[length(x)], sep = ""))))

lookup_dist <- subset(, select = c("district_id", "district_name"))
lookup_dist <- lookup_dist[!duplicated(lookup_dist), ]

##     district_id  district_name
## 1            12    Okhaldhunga
## 76           20       Sindhuli
## 155          21      Ramechhap
## 219          22        Dolakha
## 293          23  Sindhupalchok
## 398          24 Kavrepalanchok

Load Grouping Data

dat.eth <- read.delim(file.eth_grp, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) <- read.delim(file.edu_grp, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dat.geo <- read.delim(file.geo_grp, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

##   district_id district_name vdcmun_id                         vdcmun_name
## 1          12   Okhaldhunga      1201       Champadevi Rural Municipality
## 2          12   Okhaldhunga      1202 Chishankhu Gadhi Rural Municipality
## 3          12   Okhaldhunga      1203      Khiji Demba Rural Municipality
## 4          12   Okhaldhunga      1204            Likhu Rural Municipality
## 5          12   Okhaldhunga      1205    Manebhanjyang Rural Municipality
## 6          12   Okhaldhunga      1206           Molung Rural Municipality
##   Region
## 1  Hilly
## 2  Hilly
## 3  Hilly
## 4  Hilly
## 5  Hilly
## 6  Hilly

Load Household Data

dat.household_demo <- read.csv(file.household_demo, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dat.household_res <- read.csv(file.household_res, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

### MERGE DATA ---
dat.household <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE), list(dat.household_demo, 
    dat.household_res, by = "household_id"))

### TRIM DATA ---
items <- c("household_id", "district_id", "vdcmun_id", "source_cooking_fuel_post_eq", 
    "caste_household", "income_level_household", "education_level_household_head")
dat.household <- subset(dat.household, select = items)

Add District Names

dat.household$District <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(lookup_dist)) {
    index <- which(dat.household$district_id == lookup_dist$district_id[i])
    dat.household$District[index] <- lookup_dist$district_name[i]

Add GeoRegion

dat.household$GeoRegion <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(dat.geo)) {
    index <- which(dat.household$vdcmun_id == dat.geo$vdcmun_id[i])
    dat.household$GeoRegion[index] <- dat.geo$Region[i]

Categorize Income

dat.household$IncomeGroup <- NA
dat.household$IncomeGroup[which(dat.household$income_level_household == "Rs. 10 thousand")] <- "0-10000"
dat.household$IncomeGroup[which(dat.household$income_level_household == "Rs. 10-20 thousand")] <- "10000-20000"
dat.household$IncomeGroup[which(dat.household$income_level_household == "Rs. 20-30 thousand")] <- "20000-30000"
dat.household$IncomeGroup[which(dat.household$income_level_household == "Rs. 30-50 thousand")] <- "30000-50000"
dat.household$IncomeGroup[which(dat.household$income_level_household == "Rs. 50 thousand or more")] <- "50000-ABOVE"

Categorize Ethnicity

dat.household$Ethnicity <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(dat.eth)) {
    index <- which(dat.household$caste_household == dat.eth$Caste[i])
    dat.household$Ethnicity[index] <- dat.eth$Ethnicity[i]

Categorize Educational Level

dat.household$EducationLevel <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow( {
    index <- which(dat.household$education_level_household_head ==$EducationLevel[i])
    dat.household$EducationLevel[index] <-$EducationGroup[i]

Trim Data

dat.household <- dat.household[-which($Ethnicity)), ]

### TRIM DATA ---
items <- c("household_id", "District", "GeoRegion", "Ethnicity", "IncomeGroup", "EducationLevel", 
dat.household <- subset(dat.household, select = items)
dat.household <- dat.household %>% dplyr::mutate_all(as.character)

##     household_id    District GeoRegion    Ethnicity IncomeGroup EducationLevel
## 1 12010100001101 Okhaldhunga     Hilly    Rai-Limbu     0-10000     Illiterate
## 2 12010100002101 Okhaldhunga     Hilly    Rai-Limbu     0-10000     Illiterate
## 3 12010100003101 Okhaldhunga     Hilly Gurung-Magar     0-10000     Illiterate
## 4 12010100004101 Okhaldhunga     Hilly Gurung-Magar     0-10000     Illiterate
## 5 12010100005101 Okhaldhunga     Hilly Gurung-Magar     0-10000     Illiterate
## 6 12010100006101 Okhaldhunga     Hilly Gurung-Magar     0-10000     Illiterate
##   source_cooking_fuel_post_eq
## 1                        Wood
## 2                        Wood
## 3                        Wood
## 4                        Wood
## 5                        Wood
## 6                        Wood
file.output <- file.path(dir.output, "household_level_data_categorical.tsv")
write.table(dat.household, file.output, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, 
    quote = FALSE)

Prepare Frequency Table

df <- dat.household %>% dplyr::count(Ethnicity, EducationLevel, GeoRegion, IncomeGroup, 
    source_cooking_fuel_post_eq, sort = FALSE, name = "Freq")

## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##   Ethnicity EducationLevel GeoRegion IncomeGroup source_cooking_fuel_post~  Freq
##   <chr>     <chr>          <chr>     <chr>       <chr>                     <int>
## 1 Brahman   Illiterate     Hilly     0-10000     Gobar Gas                   159
## 2 Brahman   Illiterate     Hilly     0-10000     Kerosene                      5
## 3 Brahman   Illiterate     Hilly     0-10000     LP Gas                      375
## 4 Brahman   Illiterate     Hilly     0-10000     Others                        3
## 5 Brahman   Illiterate     Hilly     0-10000     Wood                       7932
## 6 Brahman   Illiterate     Hilly     10000-20000 Gobar Gas                   213

Impute Missing Values

dkey <- apply(df, 1, function(x) paste(x[1:5], collapse = ":"))

var1 <- setdiff(unique(df$Ethnicity), NA)
var2 <- setdiff(unique(df$EducationLevel), NA)
var3 <- setdiff(unique(df$GeoRegion), NA)
var4 <- setdiff(unique(df$IncomeGroup), NA)
var5 <- setdiff(unique(df$source_cooking_fuel_post_eq), NA)
dcom <- expand.grid(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5)
dcom$key <- apply(dcom, 1, function(x) paste(x[1:5], collapse = ":"))

var.missed <- setdiff(dcom$key, dkey)
dcom <- subset(dcom, dcom$key %in% var.missed)
dcom <- dcom[, -6]
dcom$Freq <- 0
colnames(dcom) <- colnames(df)

df <- rbind(df, dcom)
df <- df[order(df$Ethnicity, df$EducationLevel, df$GeoRegion, df$IncomeGroup, df$source_cooking_fuel_post_eq), 

## [1] 3000    6
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##   Ethnicity EducationLevel GeoRegion IncomeGroup source_cooking_fuel_post~  Freq
##   <chr>     <chr>          <chr>     <chr>       <chr>                     <dbl>
## 1 Tamang    University     Himalayan 50000-ABOVE Electricity                   0
## 2 Tamang    University     Himalayan 50000-ABOVE Gobar Gas                     0
## 3 Tamang    University     Himalayan 50000-ABOVE Kerosene                      0
## 4 Tamang    University     Himalayan 50000-ABOVE LP Gas                       12
## 5 Tamang    University     Himalayan 50000-ABOVE Others                        0
## 6 Tamang    University     Himalayan 50000-ABOVE Wood                         11
file.output <- file.path(dir.output, "household_level_data_frequency.tsv")
write.table(df, file.output, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)

Prepare Frequency Table by FuelType Per Column

df <- subset(df, !($Ethnicity)))
df <- subset(df, !($source_cooking_fuel_post_eq)))
dm <- reshape2::dcast(data = df, formula = Ethnicity + EducationLevel + GeoRegion + 
    IncomeGroup ~ source_cooking_fuel_post_eq, fun.aggregate = sum, value.var = "Freq")
colnames(dm) <- c("Ethnicity", "EducationLevel", "GeoRegion", "IncomeGroup", "Electricity", 
    "GobarGas", "Kerosene", "LPGas", "Others", "Wood")

##   Ethnicity EducationLevel GeoRegion IncomeGroup Electricity GobarGas Kerosene
## 1   Brahman     Illiterate     Hilly     0-10000           0      159        5
## 2   Brahman     Illiterate     Hilly 10000-20000           0      213        1
## 3   Brahman     Illiterate     Hilly 20000-30000           1       95        0
## 4   Brahman     Illiterate     Hilly 30000-50000           0       27        0
## 5   Brahman     Illiterate     Hilly 50000-ABOVE           0        9        0
## 6   Brahman     Illiterate Himalayan     0-10000           1       24        1
##   LPGas Others Wood
## 1   375      3 7932
## 2   666      1 3245
## 3   336      0 1038
## 4   109      0  355
## 5    69      1  156
## 6   118      4 5608
file.output <- file.path(dir.output, "household_level_data_frequency_table.tsv")
write.table(dm, file.output, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)